New ship has arrived - with the very same pirates again :(((

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Gantorak, Sep 4, 2015.

  1. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    Same here, Boomer & McKraken, really annoying. They should take into account what you already have purchased, as I still don't have the Monkey guy. So stupid sending the same pirates again, they surely must know that nearly everyone will have bought both pirates each week, another fail to add to the current mounting collection of Midoki bombs.
  2. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    I also received 2 identical LP that I already had.
    So disappointed in Midoki, they can't seem to get anything right!
    Bl00dBaTh and cmooneey like this.
  3. pkrhett

    pkrhett Crew

    made an account to rage. the trade ship should NEVER have the same 2 pirates you own. it could have 1 repeat and i could live with that. currently it would take months just to buy the outfits since they are also all repeats. only new outfits cost gems... i didnt buy them 2 weeks ago, im not going to want them more now
  4. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    I was offered Mack and Boomer fist ship. Annabelle and Cornelius second ship. Third ship arriving today was Boomer and Mack again.
    So, I don't have Blackbeard. What other pirates are out there?
    850arrr likes this.
  5. cmooneey

    cmooneey First Mate

    As far as I can tell no one got the 6th pirate? Anyone seen or heard anything to say differently?

    @pkrhett I feel the same as you... I had an account but never posted before today. Can someone from Midoki just tells us if this is a mistake or the way it is?

    @Chris [Midoki] @Lynsey [Midoki] ???
  6. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    Midoki's response to problems is to bury their heads in the sand and ignore it. :mad:
    HunterToan and Bl00dBaTh like this.
  7. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    Yea I'm in the same boat as you, except it's Cornelius that I don't have. What's the point in even sending the ship when everyone already has these 2 pirates?
  8. Captain WF

    Captain WF Powder Monkey

    It's not cool I got Mack & Romeo again. Midoki must give me Blackbeard. You should be fair to all player. One more thing, Romeo is useless. I want to remove him from the fort. Midoki, can you fix this problems.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2015
  9. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    I got Mack and Boomer, Annabelle and Cornelius, and then Boomer and Blackbeard. I'm sure its just a matter of getting poor luck if you got any repeats. The 6th pirate hasn't been on any ships yet. They are probably going to repeat all the "random" pirates as a fixed pirate so that everyone will definitely have a shot at all 6. Every week you have a shot at one of two random pirates plus that weeks fixed pirate, and if you got any repeats, you just were unlucky and rolled the same random pirate twice (50% chance). But whichever one you miss out on will probably be back soon as a fixed pirate, so no need to worry, just wait an extra week!

    I wouldn't mind if they just let them stay all week, refresh once a week, and let you pay like 100 gems to refresh it early (for another chance at that week's other random pirate if you got bad luck on your draw, thats how many other games deal with stores) - I think people would be much happier with that. I wouldn't be surprised if they moved to a system like that once most players have all 12 pirates in a couple patches, to allow new players to pay to catch up faster, but for right now all you can do is wait it out and hope for better luck next week.
    peg-brain bob likes this.
  10. cmooneey

    cmooneey First Mate

    I personally can't chalk it up as bad luck... what if next week comes around and I get the same 2 pirates I got on my second ship(Annabelle and Corneslious)? Also if you look around it doesn't appear to just be a couple people affected... it seems like the majority of us got repeats.

    Is the problem that they want to string us along until they are ready to have the next update with the next upgrade for the fort and silo? They don't want everyone to have all the pirates in the 3rd week complaining that the fourth week isn't the update? They should have cycled through all 6 before offering Mack again.
  11. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    I'm pretty sure each of the random pirates will get a week as the fixed pirate, and each of the fixed pirates will get a week or two as a choice for a random pirate.
  12. Captain WF

    Captain WF Powder Monkey

    People will starting to dislike this game if Midoki keep repeat the same pirates all the time.
  13. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    You really have to ask why on earth they do it this way, why not give everyone the same pirates each week, why the hell give different ones to some, by doing it the way they did caused this whole mess with everyone angry.
    Everyone should get the same each week, if you have already purchased a pirate he shouldn't show up a second time, I'm still missing the Monkey guy.
  14. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    So what happens when you already have all 6 currently released pirates and no new ones are available for a couple weeks? Does the trade ship just not show up?

    There's obviously going to have to be repeats. It would be nice if everyone always had the same repeats, but they announced before the launch that this was how it was going to work, so you should have expected there to be a possibility that you could get unlucky and not get a new pirate that boat. No one ever said the random pirate would definitely always be a pirate you didn't have.

    They added the randomness to try and give players a more varied experience. Yeah, they should probably have thought through how frustrated people would get when they're a legendary or two behind a more lucky person. But they probably assumed most people understood that when things are random, they won't always be lucky!

    I'm not saying I agree with the system having a random one instead of two fixed ones to prevent overlap and disparity between players. That would have been more fair. But the system is already out there, and they probably wouldn't be able to change it until long after all 6 have shown up, given how long it takes them to push out an update, even if they wanted to. Even if they change it in a future patch, that's not going to get you a new pirate this week, and by the time it could be changed, you will have all the pirates available anyways.

    Every time they try something new to add an interesting element to the game, people find some reason to complain about it. This is the system they chose. There's a reason behind it. If you quit because you had to wait an extra week for one legendary because you had bad luck, so be it. You're not entitled to getting good luck on a random draw, just like you're not entitled to having every single chest have 900 gems in it. Some people get lucky and get an extra pirate a week or two ahead of others, but everyone will have the opportunity to catch up.

    Back when I played WoW ten years ago and did my weekly raid, I didn't complain that a boss happened to drop the same loot as last week and another guild found their Legendary Fragment sooner. I accepted they were luckier that week, and that I'd try again next week. Maybe I wouldn't get anything several weeks in a row, but eventually I'd get something new. I certainly wouldn't complain that "This boss dropped this last week! Why can't it always only drop things someone needs?" I understood this was how random loot systems worked, dealt with sometimes getting unlucky, and waited a week - if I could understand at a young age that not every week will be lucky and some times I'll have to try again, I'm sure you can too!

    And those Legendaries you're complaining so much about missing out on are absolutely garbage for a high level player until you've trained them anyways. You're not missing out on much. I'm sure if you got them you'd be complaining about how weak they are at the start, or how long it took to level them up, or how expensive it was going to be. There's always going to be a complaint.
  15. MissUlala

    MissUlala Powder Monkey

    It is also a problem of storage.
    I begin to have 2 x 2 cases of the same components, and haven't discover all the components yet.

    As we cannot throw them, what will happen when I will discover a new material and won't be able to stock it ?

    Boomer and Kraken just came back today, and I am definitively not interested by having them.

    Tired of seeing the same legendary pirates...
    (Excuse my poor english by the way)
  16. cmooneey

    cmooneey First Mate

    So what happens when we have all six pirates? A well though out roll out of the legendary pirates would have avoided this and any future problems and that is my issue.

    Why can't you upgrade the fort to level 5 or 6 right away? What's the point? What happens the trade ship once all pirates are brought on board? Every week they'll offer them over and over again with their outrageous costing outfits?

    Why, if you want randomness wouldn't you release all 12 at once? By the time they released no one will know any of there names except Ching.

    Why should luck play into this if it's a game based on deciding if you want to excel by using real life currency? I don't care about upgrading them before anyone else... like you said they are useless basically. But why should my game playing experience get put up to luck or chance?

    You can't be successful if you leave things up to chance and hope.

    I never complained when it was 100 of gems wasted for their oversight on the rehire. I never complained when my maxed mortars were rendered useless.

    We have seen people posting empty threats to leave the game for these exact reasons for months... why can't it ever just work?
  17. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    A few things about your reply, first is the start of your comment, who cares if the trade ship doesn't come if you already have all 6? If we have them why would we care if it doesn't come back?

    The randomness, the last game I played added this & it killed it for many people, adding random drops is a sure way to drive everyone nuts, as there's always the few guys getting everything & the rest getting squat. The main problem is all Midoki seem to be doing lately is making huge blunders. Adding Randomness to games like this is just the worst thing imaginable, it sucks every last drop of fun out of the game & replaces it with frustration

    I don't care about getting 600 Gems in chests, all I want is to get an item from the high star Monsters I hit, like the max star Kraken that I hit trying to get a Mask, which it never gives me, I get a useless Battered Chest. These max star Monsters/Ships need to start paying out according to their level, at the moment I'm getting better payouts from 2* battles than 5*, it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

    Now if there's one thing I know it's that all LP are garbage, except Annabelle, I don't care about them being garbage, I haven't complained at all about how bad they are, but not having one of these LP leaves players behind, not just behind others, but behind on training, you won't be using them but you can be training them. People have items to LP that we don't have, some people are even deleting items to make space, if you go over on some items & get another it opens up a new shelf space, taking even more Silo room. Who's to say we will even get the pirate we're missing next week? Could be even longer, would it not have been easier to just give everyone the same 2 each week? Then run it over again for people who missed out?
    Tex likes this.
  18. 850arrr

    850arrr Captain

    Same scenario for me.
  19. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    I'm not saying doing a fixed system would be wrong. I would have loved it if it was two fixed pirates every week as well. Many more people would be happy, and we wouldn't have these complaints.

    I'm just saying that we know how the system works, and we should be expecting these results from it. Its too late to change it now. Midoki isn't intentionally trying to screw anyone out of pirates. By week 6, I'm sure all 6 pirates will have been a fixed option once. The system is still new, this is only the third boat we've had, and I just think its silly everyone thinks they're entitled to immediately get something advertised as random, especially when its something so new, and something clearly designed to make people wait a considerable time to have everything. Maybe they'll change it when they release the next 6, hopefully feedback makes them do it.

    And having it come back even if you have all six isn't a bad thing, because what if you wanted to buy outfits for them that you hadn't previously purchased. At least some of the available outfits seem to be tied to the pirates currently on board, so even if you already have the pirate, you might be missing one of their outfits, and this gives you another chance to buy it.

    I also agree that monsters drops should be increased (especially inside of chests!). If you're looking for voodoo masks, the 3* kraken thats about 2hr from the base is the most efficient way to farm them btw. You might only get one every couple fights, but you can fight it a lot more often than trying to get some off the 5* one!
    peg-brain bob and Bl00dBaTh like this.
  20. Enuthral

    Enuthral First Mate

    On. Note for randomness, I quit a game due to Randomness. esp with getting items from ship exploration, frustration is a game killer, you want people enjoying the game not frustrated. There is nothing more effective to kill a game than random selection of prizes you get. One game I quit was family guy quest for stuff. You had to set a character on a task. And it would take on average 5 to 10 tries to get the item you want. another game I play is the Simpsons, they had a random spin wheel for prizes. You would spend premium items to try to get spins on the wheel which were needed to upgrade and complete quests. You could go thru all your premium items and not get what you wanted, or repeats of low end items. this lead to massive blow back from long term players, which lead to loss of players. the long term player would give feed back on the games forums. I would say new players see this so why would they get involved in the game? People gave up and didn't complete events and walked away from the game. which must have lead to loss of money to the company. In fact they gave a smashed prize wheel to the gamers as I believe an indication of this. So Midoki pay attention you want to lose players continue this way. maybe marketers and others are saying yes it makes you money. well short term maybe, but long term it will kill your player base! remember you aren't all alone out there, there are other games.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2015
    Tex and Bl00dBaTh like this.

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